PDAF-OMI Observation Diagnostics
- Overview
- callback_obs_pdafomi.F90
- Observation Modules
- Observation operators
- Checking error status
- Debugging functionality
- Implementing the analysis step with OMI
- Using nondiagonal R-matrices
- Porting an existing implemention to OMI
- Additional OMI Functionality
- Observation diagnostics
Contents of this page
PDAF-OMI observation diagnostics were introduced with PDAF V3.0 |
The PDAF-OMI observation diagnostics module provides functionality to obtain statistics about the differences between observations and the observed model state. In addition, there are routines that provide the user access to the observations and observed quantities like the observed ensemble mean state.
Here, we describe the functionalities of the observation diagnostics routines.
A common place to call the PDAFomi_diag diagnostics routines is in prepoststep_pdaf
, which is the usual place to also analyze the ensemble. Usually, PDAF initializes the observations after prepoststep_pdaf
was executed after the forecast. To be able to compare the observations and the forecast ensemble, one has to switch the place at which observations are initialized. This is done with
CALL PDAF_set_iparam(9, 0)
which can be called in init_pdaf
after the initialization of PDAF with PDAF_init
The routines for observation diagnostics can be organized in four groups
- Activation of observation diagnostics
- Statistics
- PDAFomi_diag_rmsd - root mean square difference
- PDAFomi_diag_stats - set of 6 statistics
- Access to observation dimensions
- PDAFomi_diag_nobstypes - number of observation types
- PDAFomi_diag_dimobs - vector of observation dimensions
- Acces to observation arrays
- PDAFomi_diag_get_obs - access to observation vector
- PDAFomi_diag_get_HXmean - access to observed ensemble mean
- PDAFomi_diag_get_HX - access to observed ensemble
- PDAFomi_diag_get_ivar- access to inverse obs. error variances
Activation of observation diagnostics
The routine is used to activate or deactivate the observation diagnostics.
The routine can be called by all processes, but it is sufficient to call it for those processes that handle observations, which usually are the filter processes. A common place is to call the routine in init_pdaf
afer the initialization of PDAF in PDAF_init
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_set_obs_diag(diag) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: diag ! Value for observation diagnostics mode ! >0 activates observation diagnostics
The routine returns a pointer to a vector of the root-mean square difference (RMSD) between the observations and the observed ensemble mean for each observation type.
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_obs_rmsd(nobs, rmsd_pointer, verbose) INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: nobs ! Number of observation types REAL, POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: rmsd_pointer(:) ! Pointer to vector of RMSD values INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: verbose ! Verbosity flag, >0 for output
- The computed RMSD is for the global model domain. Thus, in case of a parallelized model, all process sub-domains are taken into account and calling
will return the same value for all processes. - In Fortran user code the pointer should be declared in the form
REAL, POINTER :: rmsd_ptr(:)
It does not need to be allocated. The target vector has the lengthnobs
. - If the observation diagnostics have not be activated by using
the pointer array will not be set andnobs=0
is returned. One can check this value before assessing the pointer array. - A more extensive set of statistics can be obtained using the routine
The routine returns a pointer to an array of a selection of 6 statistics comparing the observations and the observed ensemble mean for each observation type. The statistics can, for example, be used to plot a Taylor diagram.
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_stats(nobs, obsstats_ptr, verbose) INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: nobs ! Number of observation types REAL, POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: obsstats_ptr(:,:) ! Array of observation statistics ! Included statistics are: ! (1,:) correlations between observation and observed ensemble mean ! (2,:) centered RMS difference between observation and observed ensemble mean ! (3,:) mean bias (observation minus observed ensemble mean) ! (4,:) mean absolute difference between observation and observed ensemble mean ! (5,:) variance of observations ! (6,:) variance of observed ensemble mean INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: verbose ! Verbosity flag, >0 to write output
- The computed statistics are for the global model domain. Thus, in case of a parallelized model, all process sub-domains are taken into account and calling
will return the same value for all processes. - In Fortran user code the pointer should be declared in the form
REAL, POINTER :: obsstats_ptr(:)
It does not need to be allocated. The target array has the size(6, nobs)
. - If the observation diagnostics have not be activated by using
the pointer array will not be set andnobs=0
is. One can check this value before assessing the pointer array - The routine returns the centered RMSD as displayed in Taylor diagrams. The non-centered RMSD can be computed using
Access to observation dimensions
The routine returns the number of observation types that are active in an assimilation run.
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_nobstypes(nobstypes) INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: nobstypes ! Number of observation types
is commonly used as the upper limit of a loop running over all observation types. In this waynobstypes
can be used with the PDAFomi_diag routines that return different observation-related arrays for a single observation type.
The routine returns a pointer to a vector of the number of observations (observation dimension) for each active observation type.
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_dimobs(dim_obs_ptr) INTEGER, POINTER, INTENT(inout) :: dim_obs_ptr(:) ! Pointer to observation dimensions
- In Fortran user code the pointer should be declared in the form
INTEGER, POINTER :: dim_obs_ptr(:)
It does not need to be allocated. - If the observation diagnostics have not be activated by using PDAFomi_set_obs_diag. the pointer array will have length 1 and the observation dimension is returned as 0.
Acces to observation arrays
The routine that provide access to observation arrays all work for a single observation type, which has to be specified as the first argument. TO process all observation types one can implement a loop DO iobs = 1, nobstypes
where nobstype
can be obtained with PDAFomi_diag_nobstypes
which was described before.
The routine returns a pointer to a vector of observations of the specified observation type (id_obs
) and a pointer to the corresponding array of observation coordinates.
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_get_obs(id_obs, dim_obs_p_diag, ncoord, obs_p_ptr, ocoord_p_ptr) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id_obs ! Index of observation type to return INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: dim_obs_p_diag ! Observation dimension INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: ncoord ! Number of observation dimensions REAL, POINTER, INTENT(out) :: obs_p_ptr(:) ! Pointer to observation vector REAL, POINTER, INTENT(out) :: ocoord_p_ptr(:,:) ! Pointer to coordinate array ! (index order as in observation modules)
- In case of a parallelized model, the vector
and the arrayocoord_p_prt
contain the values for the process-sub-domain of the calling processor. - In Fortran user code the pointer to the observation vector should be declared in the form
REAL, POINTER :: obs_p_ptr(:)
It does not need to be allocated. The target vector has the lengthdim_obs_p_diag
. - In Fortran user code the pointer to the observation coordinates should be declared in the form
REAL, POINTER :: ocoord_p_ptr(:,:)
It does not need to be allocated. The target array has the size(ncoord, dim_obs_p_diag)
. - If the observation diagnostics have not been activated by using
, the pointers will not be set anddim_obs_p_diag=0
will be returned. These values can be checked before assessing the pointer arrays - The array
is organized as in the observation modules:- First index: index of different coordinate directions for observation specified by the second index
- Second index: index of the observation
- One can access the values in
like usual arrays. There is no particularity with respect to being pointers.
The routine returns a pointer to a vector of the observed ensemble mean state for the specified observation type (id_obs
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_get_HXmean(id_obs, dim_obs_diag, HXmean_p_ptr) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id_obs ! Index of observation type to return INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: dim_obs_p_diag ! Observation dimension REAL, POINTER, INTENT(out) :: HXmean_p_ptr(:) ! Pointer to observed ensemble mean
- In case of a parallelized model, the vector
contains the observed ensemble mean for the process-sub-domain - In Fortran user code the pointer to the observed ensemble mean should be declared in the form
REAL, POINTER :: HXmean_p_ptr(:)
It does not need to be allocated. The target vector has the lengthdim_obs_p_diag
. - If the observation diagnostics have not be activated by using
, the pointer will not be set anddim_obs_diag=0
will be returned. This value can be checked before assessing the pointer array.
The routine returns a pointer to the array of the observed ensemble for the specified observation type (id_obs
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_get_HX(id_obs, dim_obs_p_diag, HX_p_ptr) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id_obs ! Index of observation type to return INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: dim_obs_p_diag ! Observation dimension REAL, POINTER, INTENT(out) :: HX_p_ptr(:,:) ! Pointer to observed ensemble mean
- In case of a parallelized model, the array
contains the observed ensemble for the process-sub-domain - In Fortran user code the pointer to the observed ensemble should be declared in the form
REAL, POINTER :: HX_p_ptr(:,:)
It does not need to be allocated. The target array has the size(dim_obs_p_diag, dim_ens)
- If the observation diagnostics have not be activated by using
, the pointer will not be set anddim_obs_diag=0
will be returned. This value can be checked before assessing the pointer array.
The routine returns a pointer to a vector of the inverse observation error variances for the specified observation type (id_obs
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_get_ivar(id_obs, dim_obs_p_diag, ivar_p_ptr) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id_obs ! Index of observation type to return INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: dim_obs_p_diag ! Observation dimension REAL, POINTER, INTENT(out) :: ivar_p_ptr(:) ! Pointer to inverse observation error variances
- In case of a parallelized model, the vector
contains the observed ensemble mean for the process-sub-domain - In Fortran user code the pointer to the vector of inverse observation variances should be declared in the form
REAL, POINTER :: ivar_p_ptr(:)
It does not need to be allocated. The target vector has the lengthdim_obs_p_diag
. - If the observation diagnostics have not be activated by using
the pointer will not be set anddim_obs_diag=0
will be returned. This value can be checked before assessing the pointer array. - If the feature
is used (see the page Additional functionality of PDAF-OMI), the inverse variance of the omitted observations will show the small value set byinno_omit
. One can use this information to exclude such observations when analyzing differences between observations and observed ensemble.