
Version 17 (modified by lnerger, 6 months ago) (diff)


Implementation Tutorials

The tutorial model

The tutorial implementation uses a simple 2-dimensional model domain with a single model field.

Implementing the online mode of PDAF

In the online mode of PDAF one couples PDAF to a model into a single assimilation program. With version 1.16 we introduced PDAF-OMI, the Observation Module Infrastructure. The tutorials are adapted for OMI, while tutorials describing the implementation without OMI are provided further below. The implementation is done from the templates provided in /templates/online of the source code package. Two implementations are demonstrated: The case that the model itself is not parallelized and the case that the model is parallelized (i.e. if field is decomposed over several processes).

Step-by-step descriptions of the required implementation steps are provided by the following slide sets (the described features are supported from PDAF 2.1):

Implementing the offline analysis step

In the offline mode of PDAF one uses separate programs for the model and the data assimilation. The implementation is done from the templates provided in /templates/offline of the source code package. The tutorial describes the implementation with PDAF-OMI that was introduced with version 1.16.

A step-by-step description of the required implementation steps is provided by the following slide set (the described features are supported from PDAF 2.1):

Implementing 3D-Var

With PDAF V2.0 we added 3D variational methods to PDAF. Templates for the implementation are provided in /templates/3dvar of the course package. Tutorial codes are in /tutorial/3dvar. The tutorial explains the particularities for the implementation of the 3D-Var methods:

Implementing without using PDAF-OMI

With PDAF version 1.16 we introduced PDAF-OMI (Observation Module Infrastructure). We recommend to use this new way to implement observationhandling more efficiently. However, implementing without OMI is still possible and here we provide the tutorial slides for this case:

Step-by-step descriptions of the required implementation steps are provided by the following slide sets (the described features are supported from PDAF 2.1):
Online mode:

Offline mode:

Full documentation

For the online implementation guide and full documentation on the use of PDAF visit: