

This page documents the routine PDAFomi_set_dim_obs_l of PDAF-OMI. This routine has been added with PDAF V2.3.

This routine is used for the case that a user implements a user-provided alternative for the routine PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l, which initializes the local observation information for PDAF-OMI in thisobs_l for a single local analysis domain.

The routine has to be called in init_dim_obs_l_OBSTYPE in each observation module if a domain-localized filter (LESTKF/LETKF/LNETF/LSEIK/LKNETF)is used.

See the page on user-provided initialization of local observations for the full description of a user-provided routine to intialize local observations.

The interface is:

  SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_set_dim_obs_l(thisobs_l, thisobs, cnt_obs_l_all, cnt_obs_l)

    TYPE(obs_f), INTENT(inout) :: thisobs    ! Data type with full observation
    TYPE(obs_l), INTENT(inout) :: thisobs_l  ! Data type with local observation
    INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: cnt_obs_l_all  ! Local dimension of observation vector over all obs. types
    INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: cnt_obs_l      ! Local dimension of single observation type vector


  • cnt_obs_l_all is the input/output argument dim_obs_l of init_dim_obs_l_OBSTYPE. It counts the number of localization over all observation types
  • cnt_obs_l is the counter number of observations of the single observation type of the observation module in which this routine is called.
Last modified 11 days ago Last modified on Sep 8, 2024, 6:19:13 PM