
Version 3 (modified by lnerger, 3 years ago) (diff)


PDAF-OMI Debugging Information


When implementing an observation with PDAF, or when performing the very first implementation of PDAF with a new model, it is useful to check whether the inputs to the PDAF-routines are correctly used. For this porpose, PDAF-OMI provides a debugging functionality. It allows you to activate debugging output e.g. for a single local analysis domain on a single process of a complex application of a local filter like LEKSTF.

Activating Debugging Output

Debugging output is activated by the routine PDAFomi_set_debug_flag. In particular this call can be inserted in any routines contained in callback_obs_pdafomi.F90.

For example to activate debugging in init_dim_obs_l_pdafomi for the local analysis domain domain_p=10 and filter process 0, one uses

SUBROUTINE init_dim_obs_l_pdafomi(domain_p, step, dim_obs, dim_obs_l)

  USE PDAFomi, ONLY: PDAFomi_set_debug_flag
  USE mod_parallel_pdaf, ONLY: mype_filter


  IF (domain_p==10 .AND. mype_filter==0) THEN
    CALL PDAFomi_set_debug_flag(domain_p)
    CALL PDAFomi_set_debug_flag(0)


Understanding the Debugging Output

The debugging output mainly writes information about the different variables contained in the full data type obs_f allocated as thisobs and the local type obs_l allocate as thisobs_l. For reference we list the full declaration of these types. When reading the debugging output one can check for the meaning of the variables.

  TYPE obs_f
     ! ---- Mandatory variables to be set in INIT_DIM_OBS ----
     INTEGER :: doassim=0                 !< Whether to assimilate this observation type
     INTEGER :: disttype                  !< Type of distance computation to use for localization
     INTEGER :: ncoord                    !< Number of coordinates use for distance computation
     INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: id_obs_p(:,:) !< Indices of process-local observed field in state vector

     ! ---- Optional variables - they can be set in INIT_DIM_OBS ----
     REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: icoeff_p(:,:)   !< Interpolation coefficients for obs. operator (optional)
     REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: domainsize(:)   !< Size of domain for periodicity (<=0 for no periodicity) (optional)

     ! ---- Variables with predefined values - they can be changed in INIT_DIM_OBS  ----
     INTEGER :: obs_err_type=0            !< Type of observation error: (0) Gauss, (1) Laplace
     INTEGER :: use_global_obs=1          !< Whether to use (1) global full obs. 
                                          !< or (0) obs. restricted to those relevant for a process domain

     ! ----  The following variables are set in the routine PDAFomi_gather_obs ---
     INTEGER :: dim_obs_p                 !< number of PE-local observations
     INTEGER :: dim_obs_f                 !< number of full observations
     INTEGER :: dim_obs_g                 !< global number of observations
     INTEGER :: off_obs_f                 !< Offset of this observation in overall full obs. vector
     INTEGER :: off_obs_g                 !< Offset of this observation in overall global obs. vector
     INTEGER :: obsid                     !< Index of observation over all assimilated observations
     REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: obs_f(:)        !< Full observed field
     REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ocoord_f(:,:)   !< Coordinates of full observation vector
     REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ivar_obs_f(:)   !< Inverse variance of full observations
     INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: id_obs_f_lim(:) !< Indices of domain-relevant full obs. in global vector of obs.
  END TYPE obs_f
  TYPE obs_l
     INTEGER :: dim_obs_l                 !< number of local observations
     INTEGER :: off_obs_l                 !< Offset of this observation in overall local obs. vector
     INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: id_obs_l(:)  !< Indices of local observations in full obs. vector 
     REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: distance_l(:)   !< Distances of local observations
     REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: ivar_obs_l(:)   !< Inverse variance of local observations
     INTEGER :: locweight                 !< Specify localization function
     REAL :: lradius                      !< localization radius
     REAL :: sradius                      !< support radius for localization function
  END TYPE obs_l

Example output

For illustration we insert the above call to PDAFomi_set_debug flag into init_dim_obs_l_pdafomi in tutorial/online_2D_serialmodel_omi/. then we compile and execute the tutorial program with:

  mpirun -np 4 ./model_pdaf -dim_ens 4 -filtertype 7 -local_range 5 -locweight 2 -assim_B .true. -assim_A .false.

With these settings only observation type B is activated, which are just 3 values in the model domain

The first lines of the debugging output looks like this:

 ++ OMI-debug set_debug_flag: mype_filter           0 activate          10
 ++ OMI-debug:           10 PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l -- START
 ++ OMI-debug:           10    PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l -- count local observations
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   Re-init dim_obs_l=0
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   coords_l   1.0000000000000000        10.000000000000000     
 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   thisobs%ncoord           2
 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   thisobs_l%lradius   5.0000000000000000     
 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   Check for observations within radius
 ++ OMI-debug comp_dist2:              10   compute Cartesian distance
 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   valid observation with coordinates   5.0000000000000000        8.0000000000000000     
 ++ OMI-debug:           10    PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l -- initialize local observation arrays
 ++ OMI-debug comp_dist2:              10   compute Cartesian distance
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   thisobs_l%dim_obs_l           1
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   thisobs_l%id_obs_l           1
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   thisobs_l%distance_l   4.4721359549995796     
 ++ OMI-debug:           10 PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l -- END

The first line

 ++ OMI-debug set_debug_flag: mype_filter           0 activate          10

is from PDAFomi_set_debug_flag showing that debugging is activates with value 10 (which is values fo domain_p specified in the call)

The next lines are

 ++ OMI-debug:           10 PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l -- START           
 ++ OMI-debug:           10    PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l -- count local observations
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   Re-init dim_obs_l=0

show that debugging output for PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l is shown. Most routines show such a 'START' line. The second line shows that a segment of the orutine started, the counting of local observations. The third line states that dim_obs_l=0 is set. This line, as many others shows the name of the subroutine in short form without PDAFomi at the beginning of the line.

The following lines show variable values

 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   coords_l   1.0000000000000000        10.000000000000000     
 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   thisobs%ncoord           2
 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   thisobs_l%lradius   5.0000000000000000     

First we see that the coordinates coords_l of the grid point corresponding to domain_p=10 are (1.0, 10.0). Further we have two dimensions (thisobs%ncoord=2) and the localization radius is set to 5.0. In the following lines

 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   Check for observations within radius
 ++ OMI-debug comp_dist2:              10   compute Cartesian distance
 ++ OMI-debug cnt_dim_obs_l:           10   valid observation with coordinates   5.0000000000000000        8.0000000000000000     

the it is checked which observations lie within the distance thisobs_l%lradius=5.0 from coords_l=(1.0, 5.0). One observation with coordinates (5.0, 8.0) is found. The followign lines

 ++ OMI-debug:           10    PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l -- initialize local observation arrays
 ++ OMI-debug comp_dist2:              10   compute Cartesian distance
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   thisobs_l%dim_obs_l           1
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   thisobs_l%id_obs_l           1
 ++ OMI-debug init_dim_obs_l:          10   thisobs_l%distance_l   4.4721359549995796     

show that observation arrays are initialized. A Cartesian distance is computerd. thisobs_l%dim_obs_l confirms that one local observation was found and it's the first element of the full observation vector (thisobs_l%id_obs_l=1) and the distance is thisobs_l%distance_l=4.4721359549995796.

One could now compare this with the input information. Are the values of coords_l correct? Are the coordinates of the first observation (5.0, 8.0)?

Later in the debugging output (not shown above) we find, for example,

 ++ OMI-debug:           10    PDAFomi_init_obs_l -- Get local vector of observations
 ++ OMI-debug g2l_obs:                 10   thisobs%id_obs_l           1
 ++ OMI-debug g2l_obs:                 10   obs_l -0.98253999999999997     
 ++ OMI-debug:           10    PDAFomi_init_obs_l -- Get local vector of inverse obs. variances
 ++ OMI-debug g2l_obs:                 10   thisobs%id_obs_l           1
 ++ OMI-debug g2l_obs:                 10   obs_l   4.0000000000000000     

These lines are from the internal routine PDAFomi_init_obs_l, which initializes the local vector of observations. (This is functionality also existing in the 'traditional' form of implementing the observation. The documention page about init_obs_l_pdaf explains what is done here.) Important is that not only the local observation vector (a single value) is initialized, but also the inverse observation variance (4.0 in this example).


 ++ OMI-debug:           10 PDAFomi_g2l_obs -- START Get local observed ensemble member           1
 ++ OMI-debug g2l_obs:                 10   thisobs%id_obs_l           1
 ++ OMI-debug g2l_obs:                 10   obs_l  0.12725110911115362     
 ++ OMI-debug:           10 PDAFomi_g2l_obs -- END

shows the localization of ensemble member 1. This is performed in the interval routine PDAFomi_g2l_obs (see the page about g2l_obs_pdaf). There is analogous output for all of the 4 ensemble states.