

The page document the user-supplied call-back routine g2l_obs_pdaf.

The routine g2l_obs_pdaf (called U_g2l_obs inside the PDAF core routines) is a call-back routine that has to be provided by the user. The routine is used with all filter algorithms using domain-localization (LSEIK, LETKF, LESTKF) and is independent of the particular algorithm. The routine is called during the loop over the local analysis domains in the analysis step. It has to provide a local observation vector mstate_l for the observation domain that corresponds to the local analysis domain with index domain_p. Provided to the routine is the full observation vector mstate_f from which the local part has to be extracted.

The interface is the following:

SUBROUTINE g2l_obs_pdaf(domain_p, step, dim_obs_f, dim_obs_l, mstate_f, mstate_l)


  • domain_p : integer, intent(in)
    Index of current local analysis domain
  • step : integer, intent(in)
    Current time step
  • dim_obs_f : integer, intent(in)
    Size of full observation vector for model sub-domain
  • dim_obs_l : integer, intent(in)
    Size of observation vector for local analysis domain
  • mstate_f : integer, intent(in), dimension(dim_p)
    Full observation vector for model sub-domain
  • mstate_l : integer, intent(out), dimension(dim_l)
    Observation vector for local analysis domain


  • The vector mstate_f that is provided to the routine is one of the observed state vectors that are produced by obs_op_f_pdaf.
  • Some operations performed here are analogous to those required to initialize a local vector of observations in init_obs_l_pdaf. If that routine reads first a full vector of observations (e.g. in init_dim_obs_f_pdaf), this vector has to be restricted to the relevant observations for the current local analysis domain. For this operation, one can for example initialize an index array when init_dim_obs_l_pdaf is executed. (Which happens before g2l_obs_pdaf)
Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Jan 21, 2016, 6:38:52 PM
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