

The page document the user-supplied call-back routine obs_op_pdaf.

The routine obs_op_pdaf (called U_obs_op inide the PDAF core routines) is a call-back routine that has to be provided by the user. The routine is used with all global filters. The purpose of the routine is to apply the observation operator to the state vector provided by PDAF when the routine is called. The routine is called during the filter analysis step.

The interface is the following:

SUBROUTINE obs_op_pdaf(step, dim_p, dim_obs_p, state_p, m_state_p)


  • step : integer, intent(in)
    Current time step
  • dim_p : integer, intent(in)
    Size of state vector (local part in case of parallel decomposed state)
  • dim_obs_p : integer, intent(in)
    Size of observation vector
  • state_p : real, intent(in), dimension(dim_p)
    Model state vector
  • m_state_p : real, intent(out), dimension(dim_obs_p)
    Observed state vector (i.e. the result after applying the observation operator to state_p)


  • For a model using domain decomposition, the operation is on the PE-local sub-domain of the model and has to provide the observed sub-state for the PE-local domain.


  • If domain-decomposition is used and the observation operator involves a global operation, e.g. some global integration, one has to gather the information from the other model domains using MPI communication.
Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Jan 22, 2016, 10:42:45 AM
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