News |
April 25, 2019
New paper: Particle filters for high-dimensional geoscience applications: a review by PJ van Leeuwen, HR Künsch, L Nerger, R Potthast, S Reich, accepted for Q. J. Royal. Meteorol. Soc. doi:10.1002/qj.3551(The paper does not use PDAF, but PDAF includes many of the algorithms we discuss in this paper) |
April 5, 2019
PDAF at the EGU 2019 The PDAF developers are present at the EGU assembly 2019 with a Short course and several presentations... (more) |
September 3, 2018
Release of Version 1.13.2 (release notes) (Revised the PDAF example with the Lorenz-96 model; added documentation on the Lorenz-96 model case; 3 bug fixes) |
June 24, 2018
New documentation: First Steps with PDAF |