Changes between Version 146 and Version 147 of WikiStart

Dec 17, 2021, 1:48:47 PM (3 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v146 v147  
    1717<table align="right" style="border: 1px outset #ddc; background: #ccf;" cellpadding=5><tr><th align="center"><b>News</b></th></tr>
     18<tr><td><u>December 17, 2021</u><br>
     19Release of Version 2.0 - major release including 3D variational methods <a href="/trac/wiki/ReleaseNotes">release notes</a></td></tr>
    1820<tr><td><u>December 10, 2021</u><br>
    1921New paper applying PDAF for strongly-coupled data assimilation: <i><a href="">Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation of Ocean Observations into an Ocean-Atmosphere Model</a></i> by Q. Tang, L. Mu, H. Goessling, T. Semmler, L. Nerger. Geophys. Res. Lett. (2021) in press</td></tr>
    2224<tr><td><u>November 30, 2020</u><br>
    2325Release of Version 1.16 - including the new PDAF-OMI (Observation Module Infrastructure) <a href="/trac/wiki/ReleaseNotes">release notes</a></td></tr>
    24 <tr><td><u>November 30, 2020</u><br>
    25 <a href="/trac/wiki/PDAF_OMI_Overview"><b>PDAF-OMI</b> (Observation Module Infrastructure) - the new efficient way to implement observation handling with PDAF</a></td></tr>
    2626<!--<tr><td><u>November 19, 2020</u><br>
    2727Job announcement: <a href=""><b>Postdoc position on Biogeochemical Modeling and Data Assimilation</b></a> (closing date December 16, 2020)</td></tr>//-->
    28 <tr><td><u>September 15, 2020</u><br>
    29 New paper describing the use of PDAF with coupled models: <i><a href="">Efficient ensemble data assimilation for coupled models with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework: Example of AWI-CM.</a></i> by L. Nerger, Q. Tang, and L. Mu. Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 4305–4321, 2020</td></tr>
     28<!--<tr><td><u>September 15, 2020</u><br>
     29New paper describing the use of PDAF with coupled models: <i><a href="">Efficient ensemble data assimilation for coupled models with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework: Example of AWI-CM.</a></i> by L. Nerger, Q. Tang, and L. Mu. Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 4305–4321, 2020</td></tr>-->
    3030<!--<tr><td><u>April 5, 2019</u><br>
    3131<b><a href="/trac/wiki/EGU2019">PDAF at the EGU 2019</a></b><br>The PDAF developers are present at the EGU assembly 2019 with a <b>Short course</b> and several presentations... <a href="/trac/wiki/EGU2019">(more)</a></td></tr> //-->