
Version 3 (modified by lnerger, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Publications and Presentations


PDAF has been presented at different conferences. Here are some slides from these presentations

Scalable sequential data assimilation with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework PDAF,
2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon, February 20-26, 2010.

Sequential data assimilation on high-performance computers with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework,
13th ECMWF Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorology, Reading, UK, November 3-7, 2008.

PDAF - The Parallel Data Assimilation Framework: Experiences with Kalman Filtering,
11th ECMWF Workshop on Use of High Performance Computing in Meteorology, October 25-29, 2004, Reading, UK.

Publications involving PDAF

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