This page documents the routine PDAFomi_localize_covar
` of PDAF-OMI.
The routine has to be called in localize_covar_OBTYPE
in each observation module if the localize EnKF is used. It applies the covariance localization.
See the page describing PDAF-OMI observation modules for the full documentation of OMI observation modules and the page on implementing the analysis step of the LEnKF. |
The interface is:
SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_localize_covar(thisobs, dim, locweight, lradius, sradius, & coords, HP, HPH) TYPE(obs_f), INTENT(in) :: thisobs ! Data type with full observation INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: dim ! State dimension INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: locweight ! Localization weight type REAL, INTENT(in) :: lradius ! localization radius REAL, INTENT(in) :: sradius ! support radius for weight functions REAL, INTENT(in) :: coords(:,:) ! Coordinates of state vector elements REAL, INTENT(inout) :: HP(:, :) ! Matrix HP, dimension (nobs, dim) REAL, INTENT(inout) :: HPH(:, :) ! Matrix HPH, dimension (nobs, nobs)
- The routine allows to specify the localization radius and support radius (
) and localization function (locweight
) individually for each observation type. - The coordinate array
has to be filled consistently with the observation coordinates speified ininit_dim_obs_OBSTYPE
. - The routine only supports a fixed localization radius throughout the domain
Last modified 3 years ago
Last modified on Dec 18, 2021, 12:48:25 PM