

This page documents the routine PDAFomi_diag_nobstypes of PDAF, which was introduced with PDAF V3.0. This is part of the PDAF-OMI observation diagnostics module.

The routine returns the number of observation types that are active in an assimilation run.

Usually all PDAFomi_diag routines are called in prepoststep_pdaf where the observation information can be retrieved and analyzed.

The interface is:

  SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_diag_nobstypes(nobstypes)

    INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: nobstypes   ! Number of observation types


  • nobstypes is commonly used as the upper limit of a loop running over all observation types. In this way nobstypes can be used with the PDAFomi_diag routines that return different observation-related arrays for a single observation type.
Last modified 4 days ago Last modified on Mar 26, 2025, 5:14:27 PM
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