26 | | - '''init_dim_obs''' |
27 | | - '''obs_op''' |
28 | | - '''init_dim_obs_l''' (only for domain-localized filters like LETKF and LESTKF) |
29 | | - '''localize_covar''' (only needed for the localized EnKF) |
30 | | Here, the first routine reads the observation from file and initializes the information describing the observations. The latter three routines merely call a generi routine provided by PDAF-OMI. |
31 | | Other functionality needed during the analyis step bases on variables that are initialized by these routines and is provided by PDAF-OMI. |
| 26 | - '''init_dim_obs'''[[br]] |
| 27 | Reads observations from a file and initialize the information describing the observations |
| 28 | - '''obs_op'''[[br]] |
| 29 | Calls an observation operator routine |
| 30 | - '''init_dim_obs_l''' [[br]] |
| 31 | Calls a generic routine to initialize local observations (only for domain-localized filters like LETKF and LESTKF) |
| 32 | - '''localize_covar'''[[br]] |
| 33 | Calls a generic routine to apply covariance localization (only needed for the localized EnKF) |
| 34 | |
| 35 | All functionality needed during the analyis step bases on variables that are initialized by these routines and is provided by PDAF-OMI. |
39 | | - '''observation modules''': One observation-specific Fortran module for each observation type |
40 | | - '''callback_obs_pdafomi.F90''': The observation-specific call-back routines are merely pass-through routines without own functionality. They are collected into this single file for compactness. |
41 | | - '''PDAF-OMI core routines''': These routines are part of the PDAF library and provide functionality for observation handling, localization, and observation operators |
| 43 | - '''observation modules'''[[br]] |
| 44 | One observation-specific Fortran module for each observation type |
| 45 | - '''callback_obs_pdafomi.F90'''[[br]] |
| 46 | The observation-specific call-back routines are merely pass-through routines without own functionality. They are collected into this single file for compactness. |
| 47 | - '''PDAF-OMI core routines'''[[br]] |
| 48 | These routines are part of the PDAF library and provide functionality for observation handling, localization, and observation operators |