Changes between Version 86 and Version 87 of FeaturesofPdaf

Jul 30, 2024, 2:31:37 PM (7 months ago)



  • FeaturesofPdaf

    v86 v87  
    2727 * LETKF (Hunt et al., 2007)
    2828 * LESTKF (Local Error Subspace Transform Kalman Filter, Nerger et al., 2012, [PublicationsandPresentations see publications])
    29  * LEnKF (classical EnKF with covariance localization, added in version 1.12)
    30  * LNETF (localized Nonlinear Ensemble Transform Filter by Toedter and Ahrens (2015), added in version 1.12)
     29 * LEnKF (classical EnKF with covariance localization)
     30 * LNETF (localized Nonlinear Ensemble Transform Filter by Toedter and Ahrens (2015))
    3131 * LSEIK (Nerger et al., 2006)
     32 * LKNETF (Local Kalman-nonlinear Ensemble Transform Filter, Nerger, 2022, [PublicationsandPresentations see publications], added in PDAF V2.1)
    3334Global filters:
    3738 * SEEK (The original formulation by Pham et al. (1998))
    3839 * SEIK (Pham et al. (1998a, 2001), the implemented variant is described in more detail by Nerger et al. (2005))
    39  * NETF (Nonlinear Ensemble Transform Filter by Toedter and Ahrens (2015), added in version 1.12)
    40  * PF (Particle filter with resampling, added in version 1.14)
     40 * NETF (Nonlinear Ensemble Transform Filter by Toedter and Ahrens (2015))
     41 * PF (Particle filter with resampling)
    4243Smoother algorithms are provided for the following algorithms
    4445 * ETKF & LETKF
    4546 * EnKF
    46  * NETF & LNETF (added in version 1.12)
     47 * NETF & LNETF
    4849Starting from Version 2.0 of PDAF, 3D variational methods are also provided. The 3D-Var methods are implemented in incremental form using a control vector transformation (following the review by R. Bannister, Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 2017) in three different variants:
    6566 * Notebook Apple !MacBook, Mac OS X, gfortran, OpenMPI
    6667 * Atos cluster 'Lise' at HLRN (Intel Cascade Lake processors), ifort, IMPI
    67  * Cray CS400, Cray compiler, IMPI
    68  * Cray CS400, ifort, IMPI
    6968 * Windows 10 with Cygwin, gfortran, OpenMPI
    7069Past test machines also included
    7170 * NEC SX-ACE, sxf90 compiler (rev 530), sxmpi
     71 * Cray CS400, Cray compiler, IMPI
     72 * Cray CS400, ifort, IMPI
    7273 * Cray XC30 and XC40, Cray compiler CCE, MPICH
    7374 * SGI Altix !UltraViolet, SLES 11 operating system, ifort compiler, SGI MPT