Changes between Version 38 and Version 39 of FeaturesofPdaf

Dec 20, 2014, 9:58:48 PM (10 years ago)



  • FeaturesofPdaf

    v38 v39  
    6161The regular tests use a rather small configuration with a simulated model. This model is also included in the test suite of the downloadable PDAF package.
    6262In addition, the scalability of PDAF was examined with a real implementation with the finite element ocean model (FEOM, Danilov et al., A finite-element ocean model: Principles and evaluation. Ocean Modeling 6 (2004) 125-150). In these tests up to 4800 processor cores of a supercomputer have been used (see [PublicationsandPresentations Nerger and Hiller (2013)]).
    63 To examine PDAF's behavior with large-scale cases, experiments with the simulated model have been performed. By now the biggest case had a state dimension of 5.0^.^10^10^. An observation vector of size 1.2^.^10^9^ was assimilated. For these experiments, the computations used 12000 processor cores. The overall largest number of processes with which PDAF was validated was 16800 processor cores.
     63To examine PDAF's behavior with large-scale cases, experiments with the simulated model have been performed. By now the biggest case had a state dimension of 6.0^.^10^10^. An observation vector of size 1.2^.^10^9^ was assimilated. For these experiments, the computations used 12000 processor cores. In this case, the distributed ensemble array occupied about 2 GBytes of memory for each core. The overall largest number of processes with which PDAF was validated was 16800 processor cores.