Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of FeaturesofPdaf

Dec 20, 2014, 9:56:53 PM (10 years ago)



  • FeaturesofPdaf

    v37 v38  
    6161The regular tests use a rather small configuration with a simulated model. This model is also included in the test suite of the downloadable PDAF package.
    6262In addition, the scalability of PDAF was examined with a real implementation with the finite element ocean model (FEOM, Danilov et al., A finite-element ocean model: Principles and evaluation. Ocean Modeling 6 (2004) 125-150). In these tests up to 4800 processor cores of a supercomputer have been used (see [PublicationsandPresentations Nerger and Hiller (2013)]).
    63 To examine PDAF's behavior with large-scale cases, experiments with the simulated model have been performed with a state dimension of 5.04^.^10^10^. An observation vector of size 1.008^.^10^9^ was assimilated. For these experiments, the computations used 10080 processor cores. With the simulated model, PDAF was validated using up to 16800 processor cores.
     63To examine PDAF's behavior with large-scale cases, experiments with the simulated model have been performed. By now the biggest case had a state dimension of 5.0^.^10^10^. An observation vector of size 1.2^.^10^9^ was assimilated. For these experiments, the computations used 12000 processor cores. The overall largest number of processes with which PDAF was validated was 16800 processor cores.