Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of AdaptParallelization

Aug 25, 2010, 3:32:34 PM (14 years ago)



  • AdaptParallelization

    v12 v13  
    88Like many numerical models, PDAF uses the MPI standard for the parallelization. In the description below, we assume that the model is parallelized using MPI.
    10 PDAF supports a 2-level parallelization: First, the numerical model can be parallelized and can be executed using several processors. Second, several model tasks can be computed in parallel, i.e. a parallel ensemble integration can be performed. This 2-level parallelization has to be initialized before it can be used. The example in `testsuite/src/dummymodel_1D/` includes the file `init_parallel_pdaf.F90` that can be used as a template for the initialization. The required variables are defined in `testsuite/src/main/mod_parallel.F90`, which can also be used as a template. If the numerical model itself is parallelized, this parallelization has to be adapted and modified for the 2-level parallelization of the data assimilation system generated by adding PDAF to the model. The necessary steps are described below.
     10PDAF supports a 2-level parallelization: First, the numerical model can be parallelized and can be executed using several processors. Second, several model tasks can be computed in parallel, i.e. a parallel ensemble integration can be performed. This 2-level parallelization has to be initialized before it can be used. The templates-directory  `templates/` contains the file `init_parallel_pdaf.F90` that can be used as a template for the initialization. The required variables are defined in `mod_parallel.F90`, which is stored int he same directory and can also be used as a template. If the numerical model itself is parallelized, this parallelization has to be adapted and modified for the 2-level parallelization of the data assimilation system generated by adding PDAF to the model. The necessary steps are described below.
    8989=== Serial assimilation system ===
    91 The data assimilation program can be compiled for serial processing without linking a real MPI library. As in the PDAF code calls to MPI functions are implemented, the file `testsuite/src/main/nullmpi.F90` should be compiled and liked. An example for this gives the case `make.arch/linux_gfortran.h`. `nullmpi.F90` provides the functionality of the MPI functions for the case that only a single process is used and hence no real communication is performed.
     91The data assimilation program can be compiled for serial processing without linking a real MPI library. As in the PDAF code calls to MPI functions are implemented, the file `nullmpi.F90` available in the directroy `templates` should be compiled and liked. An example for this gives the case `make.arch/linux_gfortran.h`. `nullmpi.F90` provides the functionality of the MPI functions for the case that only a single process is used and hence no real communication is performed.
    9393Even without parallelization, the call to `init_parallel_pdaf` described above is still required. The routine will simple initialize the parallelization variables for a single-process case.