Changes between Version 25 and Version 26 of SoftwarePackage

Dec 5, 2019, 4:53:13 PM (5 years ago)



  • SoftwarePackage

    v25 v26  
    2222 * `modelbindings/`
    2323  * This directory contains the PDAF bindings for real simulation models (starting with PDAF 1.13 for MITgcm)
     24 * `models/`
     25  * This directory contains fully implemented toy models for assimilation experiments with PDAF (added in PDAF 1.15)
    2426 * `nullmpi/`
    2527  * This directory contains the file `nullmpi.F90`. The file provides MPI functions for the single-process case. It replaces a real MPI library, if users want to compile PDAF without parallelization support.
     71== Models ==
     73The following example implementations are included in the directories in `models/` (from PDAF 1.15; before they were included in testsuite/):
     74 * `lorenz63`
     75  * This directory currently the Lorenz-63 model. In PDAF V1.14 we also added the data assimilation. Because of its small size, this model an be e.g. used with the Particle Filter.
     76 * `lorenz96`
     77  * This directory contains the Lorenz-96 model as well as a full data assimilation implementation of the model with PDAF. This model can be configured to have a sufficiently large state dimension to test low-rank filter algorithms like the SEIK filter. (We have using this model for example in the study: Janjić, T., Nerger, L., Albertella, A., Schröter, J., Skachko S. (2011). On domain localization in ensemble based Kalman filter algorithms. Monthly Weather Review, 139, 2046-2060 ( doi:10.1175/2011MWR3552.1).)
    6981== The Test Suite ==
    89101 * `offline_1D`
    90102   * This example shows the usage of PDAF as an offline tool. In the offline configuration one computes manually the ensemble integrations and supplies this information to PDAF through files. For simplicity, this example does not use files, but generates dummy-information in the code itself. This example is the starting point to look into the offline implementation of PDAF.
    91  * `lorenz63`
    92   * This directory currently the Lorenz-63 model. In PDAF V1.14 we also added the data assimilation. This example can be used as a training test case for an implementation using PDAF.
    93  * `lorenz96`
    94   * This directory contains the Lorenz-96 model as well as a full data assimilation implementation of the model with PDAF. This model can be configured to have a sufficiently large state dimension to test low-rank filter algorithms like the SEIK filter. (We have using this model for example in the study: Janjić, T., Nerger, L., Albertella, A., Schröter, J., Skachko S. (2011). On domain localization in ensemble based Kalman filter algorithms. Monthly Weather Review, 139, 2046-2060 ( doi:10.1175/2011MWR3552.1).)
    96104== Compiling test cases and tutorial implementations ==