Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of ReleaseNotes

Sep 19, 2024, 12:11:11 PM (6 months ago)



  • ReleaseNotes

    v51 v52  
    11= Release notes for PDAF =
    3 == Version 2.2.1 - April 29, 2024 ==
     3== Version 2.3 - September 19, 2024 ==
     5Major Changes and additions:
     6 * Addition of ''support for non-diagonal observation error covariance matrices in PDAF-OMI'' (see
     7 * ''Introduction of PDAFlocal interface''. This simplifies the implementation of the state localization. It also provides support for weighted local increments, e.g. to implement vertical localization or weakly coupled assimilation. (see
     8 * ''Performance improvements to PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l''. While we already improved the performance in V2.2.1 we found that we can further improve the performance by further restructuring of the code. (In some cases with gfortran and ifort compilers by a factor of 6 to 10.) The previous routine is still present as PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l_old.
     9 * For even better performance of the initialization of local observations, we added ''support for implementing a user-provided alternative to PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l''. The user-provided routine can lead to the best performance since it requires less IF-checks, which are required in the generic code inside PDAFomi. If you have the impression that PDAFomi_init_dim_obs_l is still slow in your case, e.g. because it dominates the run time of the analysis step, we recommend to aim for a user-sided implementation (see
     12Further changes and additions:
     13 * Improved ''parser_mpi.F90'': Now parsing a slash '/' is possible. This now also allows to parse directory paths. In addition, for string parsing it is checked if the string is truncated upon parsing. All files parser_mpi.F90 in the different directories of the PDAF package are updated.
     14 * Update of ''PDAF_diag_crps'': The routine now includes parallelization. There is a separate routine ''PDAF_diag_crps_mpi'' which allows one to specify the communicator in which the operation is performed.
     15 * New ''Makefile'' in the PDAF root directory. This makefile performs the compilation in the directory build/ and keeps src/ clean. Further, it supports parallel compilation.  The previous Makefile in src/ is still present, but will be removed in a future release. If you integrated the compilation of PDAF in some larger build process, we recommend to switch to the new Makefile. (The new makefile requires to the set the variable 'MODULEOPT' in the compiler-specific include file in make.arch/. This variable specifies the compiler option for the directory where compiled .mod files are to be stored)
     16 * New routine ''PDAFomi_observation_localization_weights'' as convenient way to get a localization weight. Usable for example in the prodRinvA or likelihood routines for non-diagonal R.
     17 * New routine ''PDAF_correlation_function'' to provide the value of correlation functions. Currently, a Gaussian and the 5th-order polynomial by Gaspari&Cohn (1999) are implemented.
     18 * Revised timer module: Now MPI_Wtime is used instead of SYSTEM_CLOCK. This appears to yield more consistent timings
     20Bug fixes:
     21 * Replace lower-case letters by upper case in TRTRS library calls. This circumvents a bug in some versions of OPENBLAS, which causes OPENBLAS to only accept upper-case letters for this call.
     22 * Revision of ETKF/ESTKF/SEIK analysis step. For domains with dim_obs_p=0 now the observation operator is called consistently with domains having dim_obs_p>0. This allows for global MPI operations in the observation operator routine.
     28== Previous versions ==
     31=== Version 2.2.1 - April 29, 2024 ===
    533This release mainly provides a bug-fix and performance improvements. All changes relate to PDAF-OMI. The performance of the search lor local observations is improved. Because of this, it should be useful for all users who run localized filters to upgrade to this version.
    1745- In non-isotropic localization in 2 dimensions, the computation of the directiontional cut-off radius was incorrect. This is corected and 2d localization should now yield the same result as in 3D localization in which the radius of the third direction was set to zero
    1846- For non-isotropic geographic localization using the heaviside functions an additional cut-off condition in longitude could lead to the effect that some local observations were omitted at high latitudes. This additional cut-off condition is now removed.
    22 ----
    24 == Previous versions ==
    2748=== Version 2.2 - March 8, 2024 ===