Changes between Version 48 and Version 49 of ReleaseNotes

Oct 4, 2023, 1:09:55 PM (10 months ago)



  • ReleaseNotes

    v48 v49  
    1515- Added output option for globally allocated memory. This can be printed by calling PDAF_print_info(11)
    16 - Modes output option for process-local allocated memory from PDAF_print_info(2) to PDAF_print_info(10)
    17 - Added option for NETF and LNETF to add random noise perturbations to the analysis ensemble analogous to the PF
     16- Moved output option for process-local allocated memory from PDAF_print_info(2) to PDAF_print_info(10)
     17- Added option for NETF and LNETF to add random noise perturbations (jitter) to the analysis ensemble analogous to the PF
    1818- Extend available configuration parameters for 3D-Var methods. Now parameters controlling the solver methods can be chosen
    1919- Change of behavior for NETF/LNETF/PF in the case that all weights are zero. Now, the weights are reset to 1/ensemble size and a warning is shown (before PDAF exited with an error message)
    2020- Add tutorial models without PDAF to allow users perform the implementation themselves following the tutorial description.
    22 Code revisions:
     22Code revisions in tutorials/templates/Lorenz-models:
    2323- Renamed the localization variables in example codes from local_range to cradius (c='cut-off’) and srange to sradius (s=‘support’)
    2424- Changed time stepping code of Lorenz model cases to avoid creation of temporary array by the compiler
    4141Note on signifcant changes influencing the compatibility with previous versions of PDAF
    42 - We modernized the MPI parallelization. With these changes the MPI stub library that we provided before, and which allowed to compile and run PDAF without an MPI library, is no longer usable. Thus, PDAF does not require an MPI library. This should not have an impact on most users given that today MPI is standard on all cluster computers and an MPI library is available and can by easily installed on virtually any Linux, MacOS or Windows system.
     42- We modernized the MPI parallelization. With these changes the MPI stub library that we provided before, and which allowed to compile and run PDAF without an MPI library, is no longer usable. Thus, PDAF does now require an MPI library. This should not have an impact on most users given that today MPI is standard on all cluster computers and an MPI library is available and can by easily installed on virtually any Linux, MacOS or Windows system.
    4343- We renamed the PDAF library files with prefix PDAF-D_ to the prefix PDAF_ to ensure a consistent naming of the files. If you don't use the Makefile provided in the PDAF package, you likely need to adapt to this change.
    4444- The observation generation option (GENOBS) was moved from filtertype=11 to filtertype=100
    45 - Some model implementations (e.g. the Lorenz models) use netcdf for file writing/reading. Here we moved to the NF90 interface. This reuired that the netcdf.mod module file of the netcdf library is installed
     45- Some model implementations (e.g. the Lorenz models) use netcdf for file writing/reading. Here we moved to the NF90 interface. This requires that the netcdf.mod module file of the netcdf library is installed