Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of ReleaseNotes

Dec 22, 2014, 3:54:56 PM (10 years ago)



  • ReleaseNotes

    v23 v24  
    11= Release notes for PDAF =
     4== Version 1.11 - December 22, 2014 ==
     7 * Revised the screen output. All output lines from the PDAF code routines now start with 'PDAF'. This will make it easier to grep for these lines when PDAF is used with models that generate a lot of output. Further, the output now also works correctly if the model state or the number of observations are very large (up to O(10^9^)) or if the number of processes is large (up to O(10^5^)).
     8 * OpenMP parallelization for the local filters (LESTKF, LSEIK, LETKF) was added. This allows to speed up the analysis step without the more compilated changes required for MPI-parallelization. The tutorial have been updated to explain how to use the OpenMP parallelization.
     9 * The communication for collecting ensemble states for the assimilation update is improved. We switched to non-blocking MPI communication, which allows to gather the ensemble members in arbitrary order and can speed up the collection of ensemble members. Analogous, the distribution of ensemble members can be improved using non-blocking communication. The old blocking communication is still available by setting the preprocessor flag BLOCKING_MPI_EXCHANGE.
     10 * The overall configuration possibilities for the MPI parallelization have been revised. Now, it is more easily possible to run the filter using a different set of processors as the models run. This variant can be useful, e.g. if the memory of a computer is so limited that one cannot store the arrays from the model and the ensemble array at the same time.
     11 * New routines:
     12  * PDAF_get_obsmemberid: This routine returns the index of the ensemble member on which an observation operator has to be applied
     13  * PDAF_prepost: This routine can be used, e.g., like PDAF_assimilate_lestkf. However, the routine only calls the pre/poststep routine once, but does not compute an analysis step. The routine can be used to analyze an ensemble forecast.
     14  * PDAF_put_state_prepost: This routine can be used, e.g. like PDAF_put_state_lestkf. However, the routine only calls the pre/poststep routine once, but does not compute an analysis step. The routine can be used to analyze an ensemble forecast.
     19== Previous versions ==
    826 * Added tutorial implementations for an example of the online implementation (coupling model and PDAF into a single assimilation program) of PDAF. The examples demonstrate the implementation with a model that itself is not parallelized as well as a parallelized model. Corresponding tutorials are now available on the [PdafTutorial tutorial web page].
    927 * Revised templates for the implementation of the online mode.
    12 ----
    14 == Previous versions ==
    1729=== Version 1.9 - May 6, 2013 ===