Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of PublicationsandPresentations

Jan 24, 2012, 4:00:28 PM (13 years ago)



  • PublicationsandPresentations

    v18 v19  
    2121=== 2011 ===
     22Nerger, L., Janjić, T., Schröter, J., Hiller, W. (2011). A regulated localization scheme for ensemble-based Kalman filters. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. early online view. ([ doi:10.1002/qj.945])
    2224Janjić, T., Nerger, L., Albertella, A., Schröter, J., Skachko S. (2011). On domain localization in ensemble based Kalman filter algorithms. Monthly Weather Review, 139, 2046-2060 ([ doi:10.1175/2011MWR3552.1]).
    24 Nerger, L., Janjić, T., Schröter, J., Hiller, W. (2011). A regulated localization scheme for ensemble-based Kalman filters. Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., early online view ([ doi:10.1002/qj.945])
     26Janjic Pfander, T., Schröter, J., Albertella, A., Bosch, W., Rummel, R., Savcenko, R., Schwabe, J., Scheinert, M. (2011).
     27Assimilation of geodetic dynamic ocean topography using ensemble based Kalman filter. Journal of Geodynamics. in press.
     28([ doi:10.1016/j.jog.2011.07.001])
    2630=== 2009 ===
    3034Skachko, S., Danilov, S., Janjic, T., Schröter, J., Sidorenko, D., Savcenko, R., Bosch, W.(2008). Sequential assimilation of multi-mission dynamical topography into a global finite-element ocean model, Ocean Science, 4, 307-318,
    32 Nerger, L., Gregg, W. W.(2008). Improving Assimilation of SeaWiFS Data by the Application of Bias Correction with a Local SEIK Filter, Journal of marine systems, 73 (2008) 87-102, [ doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.09.007].
     36Nerger, L., Gregg, W. W.(2008). Improving Assimilation of SeaWiFS Data by the Application of Bias Correction with a Local SEIK Filter, Journal of Marine Systems, 73 (2008) 87-102, [ doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.09.007].
    3438=== 2007 ===
    35 Nerger, L., Gregg, W. W.(2007). Assimilation of SeaWiFS data into a global ocean-biogeochemical model using a local SEIK Filter, Journal of marine systems, 68, 237-254, [ doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.11.009].
     39Nerger, L., Gregg, W. W.(2007). Assimilation of SeaWiFS data into a global ocean-biogeochemical model using a local SEIK Filter, Journal of Marine Systems, 68, 237-254, [ doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.11.009].
    37 Nerger, L., Danilov, S., Kivman, G., Hiller, W., Schröter, J.(2007). Data assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter and the SEIK filter applied to a finite element model of the North Atlantic, Journal of marine systems, 65(1/4), 288-298., [ doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.06.009].
     41Nerger, L., Danilov, S., Kivman, G., Hiller, W., Schröter, J.(2007). Data assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter and the SEIK filter applied to a finite element model of the North Atlantic, Journal of Marine Systems, 65(1/4), 288-298., [ doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.06.009].
    3943=== 2006 ===
    40 Nerger, L., Danilov, S., Hiller, W., Schröter, J.(2006). Using sea-level data to constrain a finite-element primitive-equation ocean model with a local SEIK filter, Ocean dynamics, 56(5/6), 634-649., [ doi:10.1007/s10236-006-0083-0].
     44Nerger, L., Danilov, S., Hiller, W., Schröter, J.(2006). Using sea-level data to constrain a finite-element primitive-equation ocean model with a local SEIK filter, Ocean Dynamics, 56(5/6), 634-649., [ doi:10.1007/s10236-006-0083-0].
    4246=== 2005 ===
    43 Nerger, L., Hiller, W., Schröter, J.(2005). A Comparison of Error Subspace Kalman Filters, Tellus series a-dynamic meteorology and oceanography, 57A(5), 715-735, [ doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2005.00141.x].
     47Nerger, L., Hiller, W., Schröter, J.(2005). A Comparison of Error Subspace Kalman Filters, Tellus series A-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 57A(5), 715-735, [ doi:10.1111/j.1600-0870.2005.00141.x].
    4549=== 2004 ===