= PDAFomi_set_debug_flag = This page documents the routine `PDAFomi_set_debug_flag` of PDAF. The routine activates the debugging output of PDAF-OMI. It can be called, e.g. in `init_dim_obs_pdafomi` to active the debugging output for the whole analysis, or in `init_dim_obs_l_pdafomi` to activate debugging output for a single local analysis domain of a domain-localized filter (i.e. LESTKF/LETKF/LNETF/LSEIK). || Detailed information on how to use and interpret the debugging output is provided on the [wiki:OMI_debugging documention of the PDAF-OMI debugging information].|| The interface is the following: {{{ SUBROUTINE PDAFomi_set_debug_flag(debugval) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: debugval ! Value for debugging flag ! (0): deactivate debug output ! (>0): activate debug output }}} Notes: * The routine is provied through the module 'PDAFomi'. Thus one has to use-include the routine by {{{ USE PDAFomi, only: PDAFomi_set_debug_flag }}} * For the localized filters, we recommend to activate the debugging only for single local analysis domain. Thus one can select some value of `domain_p`, e.g. in `init_dim_obs_l_pdafomi` and then call `PDAFomiset_debug_flag` using `debugval=domain_p` * The debug output is active until one calls `PDAFomi_set_debug_flag(0)`. * With parallelization one can active the debug output for a single MPI task * The debug output writes out the complete list of obervation (e.g. for a local analysis domain). As such, it can be useful to reduce the number of assimilated observations during the debugging to shorten the outputs