| 143 | |
| 144 | == Implementing a new observation type == |
| 145 | |
| 146 | To implement a new observation type, the approach is generally as follows: |
| 147 | 1. Create a copy of obs_TYPE_pdafomi_TEMPLATE.F90 |
| 148 | 1. Rename the module and its subroutines according to the observation (replacing ‘TYPE’ by name of observation). |
| 149 | 1. Implement init_dim_obs for the observation type following the instructions in the template |
| 150 | 1. Adapt obs_obs for the observation type |
| 151 | 1. Adapt init_dim_obs_l for the observation type (if using a domain_localized filter) |
| 152 | 1. Adapt localize_covar for the observation type (if using a the local EnKF) |
| 153 | 1. Add subroutine calls for the new observation type into the routines in callback_obs_pdafomi.F90 |