Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of OMI_debugging

Oct 2, 2022, 7:05:49 PM (19 months ago)



  • OMI_debugging

    v5 v6  
    4040== Activating Debugging Output ==
    42 Debugging output is activated by the routine `PDAFomi_set_debug_flag`. In particular this call can be inserted in any routines contained in `callback_obs_pdafomi.F90`.
     42Debugging output is activated by the routine `PDAFomi_set_debug_flag`. In particular this call can be inserted in any routines contained in `callback_obs_pdafomi.F90`. Setting the single argument of `PDAFomi_set_debug_flag` to a value larger 0 will active the output, while =0 will deactivate it. For the debugging it is useful to keep the number of observations low since for a large number of observations, the output will be very lengthy. This can particularly be the case when using the debugging output in `init_dim_obs_pdafomi` or `obs_op_pdafomi`. To this end, it can be useful to intentionally reduce the number of observations for the debugging. For the localized filters (LESTKF, LETKF, LNETF, LSEIK) it is recommended to only activate the debugging for a single local analysis domain as shown below. The particular domain index can be chosen e.g. based on the coordinates of the domain, which are usually determined in `init_dim_l_pdaf`.
    4444For example to activate debugging in `init_dim_obs_l_pdafomi` for the local analysis domain `domain_p=10` and filter process 0, one uses
    174174show that observation arrays are initialized. A Cartesian distance is computerd. `thisobs_l%dim_obs_l` confirms that one local observation was found and it's the first element of the full observation vector (thisobs_l%id_obs_l=1) and the distance is thisobs_l%distance_l=4.4721359549995796.
    176 One could now compare this with the input information. Are the values of coords_l correct? Are the coordinates of the first observation (5.0, 8.0)?
     176One could now compare this with the input information. Are the values of coords_l correct? Are the coordinates those of the first observation (5.0, 8.0)?
    178178Later in the debugging output (not shown above) we find, for example,