= Models connected to PDAF = PDAF has been connected with various models, either in the online or offline coupling variant. A selection of toy models and model bindings are provided with PDAF, while other model-bindings are described in the different publications as listed below. Please note that this list is most likely incomplete. If you connected PDAF to another model, please let [wiki:Imprint us] know. || ADCIRC ||Finite-Element ocean circulation model || || AWI-CM || Atmosphere ocean coupled model || model binding included since PDAF V1.15 || || BSHcmod ||operational BSH circulation model, see Losa et al, 2012, 2014 || || CFSv2 ||NCEP Climate Forecast System, version 2, see Chen et al., 2017 || || CICE ||Los Alamos Natural Laboratory Sea Ice Model || [wiki:PublicationsandPresentations see Williams et al., 2023] || || CLM 5.0 ||Community land surface model Version 5.0, see Strebel et al., 2022 || || !Elmer/Ice ||ice sheet model, see Gillet-Chaulet (2020) || || FALL3D || Eulerian model for atmospheric passive transport and deposition, see Mingari et al. (2022) || || FESOM ||Finite Element Sea-ice Ocean Model, see e.g. Nerger et al., 2006, Janjic et al. 2011, Androsov et al. 2019 || model binding available as part of AWI-CM included since PDAF V1.15 || || HBM ||Hiromb-Boos Model, see Nerger et al., 2016, Goodliff et al. 2019 || || HYSPLIT ||Volcanic ash transport and dispersion model, see Pardini et al., 2020 || || ICON-Ocean || ocean component of Icosahedral Non-hydrostatic Earth System Model || see Pohlmann et al. (2023) || || Lorenz-96 || the low-dimensional chaotic test model for data assimilation (also known as Lorenz-40 or Lorenz-95) || included in PDAF release || || Lorenz-63 || the 3-variable chaotic system by Lorenz (1963) || included in PDAF release || || Lorenz-2005 II || Model variant II of Lorenz (2005) || included in PDAF release since PDAF V2.0 || || Lorenz-2005 III || the two-scale model variant III of Lorenz (2005) || included in PDAF release since PDAF V2.0 || || MITgcm ||ocean circulation model, see e.g. Yang et al., 2014-2016,|| model binding included since PDAF V1.13 || || MPI-ESM ||The MPI Earth-System Model, see Brune et al. 2015 || || NEMO3 ||ocean circulation model, see e.g. Tödter et al. 2016 || || NEMO4 ||ocean circulation model || https://github.com/PDAF/NEMO-PDAF || || NOBM ||NASA Ocean Biogeochmical model, see Nerger and Gregg, 2007, 2008 || || OMCT ||Ocean Model for Circulation and Tides, see Saynisch and Thomas, 2012, Irrgang et al., 2017 || || Parody ||Dynamo model see Fournier et al. 2013 || || PIOMAS || Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System, see Shu et al. 2021 || || SCHISM || The SCHISM modeling system, Zhang et al || see [http://ccrm.vims.edu/schismweb/] || || TerrSysMP ||coupled atmosphere-land surface-subsurface model, see Kurtz et al., 2016, Baatz et al, 2017 || model binding available, see [PublicationsandPresentations Kurtz et al., 2016] || || TIE-GCM || Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model, see Corbin and Kusche, 2022 || || WRF || Weather Research and Forecast model, see Shao and Nerger, 2024 || https://github.com/shchl1/WRF-PDAF-development/ ||