== Development page == ''' Please only use the pages that are directly linked from the start page and within the Implementation Guide''' '''Pages linked here are under development'' [wiki:EGU_2023 EGU 2023] [wiki:MarDATA_DA_2024] ''' New for PDAF V3''' [wiki:IncrementalAnalysisUpdates] [wiki:PDAF_iau_init] [wiki:PDAF_iau_init_inc] [wiki:PDAF_iau_reset] [wiki:PDAF_iau_set_weights] [wiki:PDAF_iau_set_pointer] [wiki:PDAF_iau_add_inc] [wiki:PDAF_set_iparam] [wiki:PDAF_set_rparam] PDAF_diag_ensmean PDAF_diag_stddev_nopmi PDAF_diag_stddev PDAF_diag_variance_nompi PDAF_diag_variance PDAFomi_set_obs_diag PDAFomi_diag_nobs PDAFomi_diag_dimobs PDAFomi_diag_get_obs PDAFomi_diag_get_HXmean PDAFomi_diag_get_HX PDAFomi_diag_obs_rmsd PDAFomi_diag_stats Porting to PDAF-3 - PDAF_interfaces_module now named PDAF; mandatory to use - subtype=5 for specifying the offline mode was removed; use PDAF_set_offline_mode - additional parameter in PDAF_assimilate_lnetf and PDAF_put_state_lnetf - porting from PDAFomi to PDAF3 for global filters: Just change the name of the routine - porting from PDAFlocalomi to PDAF3 for local filters: Just change the name of the routine - porting from PDAFomi to PDAF3 for local filters: The PDAF3 interface uses PDAFlocal so that the routines g2l_state_pdaf and l2g_state_pdaf are not present. Follow the implementation guide for init_dim_l to initialize the information for PDAFlocal