| 102 | The setting of `locweight` influence the weight function for the localization. If PDAF-OMI is used, the choices are standardized as follows |
| 103 | |
| 104 | ||= '''locweight''' =||= '''0''' =||= '''1''' =||= '''2''' =||= '''3''' =||= '''4''' =|| |
| 105 | ||= '''function''' =|| unit weight ||= exponential =||||||||= 5-th order polynomial =|| |
| 106 | ||= '''regulation''' =||= - =||= - =||= - =||= regulation using[[BR]]mean variance =||= regulation using variance[[BR]]of single observation point =|| |
| 107 | ||= '''cradius''' =||||||||||||= weight=0 if distance > cradius =|| |
| 108 | ||= '''sradius''' =||= no impact =||= weight = exp(-d / sradius) =||||||||= weight = 0 if d >= sradius[[BR]] else[[BR]] weight = f(sradius, distance) =|| |
| 109 | |
| 110 | |