44 | | * `U_collect_state`: The name of the user-supplied routine that initializes a state vector from the array holding the ensembel of model states from the model fields. This is basically the inverse operation to `U_distribute_state` used in `PDAF_get_state` |
45 | | * `U_init_dim_obs_full`: The name of the user-supplied routine that provides the size of observation vector |
46 | | * `U_obs_op_full`: The name of the user-supplied routine that acts as the observation operator on some state vector |
47 | | * `U_init_obs_full`: The name of the user-supplied routine that initializes the vector of observations |
48 | | * `U_init_obs_local`: The name of the user-supplied routine that initializes the vector of observations for a local analysis domain |
49 | | * `U_prepoststep`: The name of the pre/poststep routine as in `PDAF_get_state` |
50 | | * `U_prodRinvA_local`: The name of the user-supplied routine that computes the product of the inverse of the observation error covariance matrix with some matrix provided to the routine by PDAF. This operation occurs during the analysis step of the SEIK filter. |
51 | | * `U_init_n_domains`: The name of the routine that provides the number of local analysis domains |
52 | | * `U_init_dim_local`: The name of the routine that provides the state domains for a local analysis domain |
53 | | * `U_init_dim_obs_local`: The name of the routine that initializes the size of the observation vector for a local analysis domain |
54 | | * `U_g2l_state`: The name of the routine that initializes a local state vector from the global state vector |
55 | | * `U_l2g_state`: The name of the routine that initializes the part of the global state vector corresponding to the provided local state vector |
56 | | * `U_g2l_obs`: The name of the routine that initialized a local observation vector from a full observation vector |
57 | | * `U_init_obsvar`: The name of the user-supplied routine that provides a global mean observation error variance to PDAF (This routine will only be executed, if an adaptive forgetting factor is used) |
58 | | * `U_init_obsvar_local`: The name of the user-supplied routine that provides a mean observation error variance for the local analysis domain to PDAF (This routine will only be executed, if an adaptive forgetting factor is used) |
| 44 | * [#U_collect_statecollect_state.F90 U_collect_state]: The name of the user-supplied routine that initializes a state vector from the array holding the ensembel of model states from the model fields. This is basically the inverse operation to `U_distribute_state` used in `PDAF_get_state` |
| 45 | * [#U_init_dim_obs_fullinit_dim_obs_full.F90 U_init_dim_obs_full]: The name of the user-supplied routine that provides the size of observation vector |
| 46 | * [#U_obs_op_fullobs_op_full.F90 U_obs_op_full]: The name of the user-supplied routine that acts as the observation operator on some state vector |
| 47 | * [#U_init_obs_fullinit_obs_full.F90 U_init_obs_full]: The name of the user-supplied routine that initializes the vector of observations |
| 48 | * [#U_init_obs_localinit_obs_local.F90 U_init_obs_local]: The name of the user-supplied routine that initializes the vector of observations for a local analysis domain |
| 49 | * [#U_prepoststepprepoststep_seik.F90 U_prepoststep]: The name of the pre/poststep routine as in `PDAF_get_state` |
| 50 | * [#U_prodRinvA_localprodrinva_local.F90 U_prodRinvA_local]: The name of the user-supplied routine that computes the product of the inverse of the observation error covariance matrix with some matrix provided to the routine by PDAF. This operation occurs during the analysis step of the SEIK filter. |
| 51 | * [#U_init_n_domainsinit_n_domains.F90 U_init_n_domains]: The name of the routine that provides the number of local analysis domains |
| 52 | * [#U_init_dim_localinit_dim_local.F90 U_init_dim_local]: The name of the routine that provides the state domains for a local analysis domain |
| 53 | * [#U_init_dim_obs_localinit_dim_obs_local.F90 U_init_dim_obs_local]: The name of the routine that initializes the size of the observation vector for a local analysis domain |
| 54 | * [#U_global2local_stateglobal2local_state.F90 U_global2local_state]: The name of the routine that initializes a local state vector from the global state vector |
| 55 | * [#U_local2global_statelocal2global_state.F90 U_local2global_state]: The name of the routine that initializes the part of the global state vector corresponding to the provided local state vector |
| 56 | * [#U_global2local_obsglobal2local_obs.F90 U_global2local_obs]: The name of the routine that initialized a local observation vector from a full observation vector |
| 57 | * [#U_init_obsvarinit_obsvar.F90 U_init_obsvar]: The name of the user-supplied routine that provides a global mean observation error variance to PDAF (This routine will only be executed, if an adaptive forgetting factor is used) |
| 58 | * [#U_init_obsvar_localinit_obsvar_local.F90 U_init_obsvar_local]: The name of the user-supplied routine that provides a mean observation error variance for the local analysis domain to PDAF (This routine will only be executed, if a local adaptive forgetting factor is used) |