Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of ImplementAnalysislknetf

Feb 19, 2023, 10:56:51 AM (17 months ago)



  • ImplementAnalysislknetf

    v5 v6  
    4040|| This page describes the implementation of the analysis step without using PDAF-OMI. Please see the [wiki:ImplementationofAnalysisStep page on the analysis with OMI] for the more modern and efficient implementation variant using PDAF-OMI. ||
     42The LKNETF algorithm was added with Version 2.1 of PDAF.
    4244== Overview ==
    44 The LKNETF algorithm was added with PDAF V2.1. If is a hybrid method that combines the nonlinear LNETF and linear LETKF analysis updates. The hybridization allows to choose the strength of both filter methods according to the effective ensemble size and the non-Gaussianity of the observed ensemble.  The details of the LKNETF method are described in the article: Nerger, L. (2022) Data assimilation for nonlinear systems with a hybrid nonlinear-Kalman ensemble transform filter. Q. J. Meteorol. Soc., 148, 620-640 [ doi:10.1002/qj.4221].
     46The LKNETF algorithm is a hybrid method that combines the nonlinear LNETF and linear LETKF analysis updates. The hybridization allows to choose the strength of both filter methods according to the effective ensemble size and the non-Gaussianity of the observed ensemble.  The details of the LKNETF method are described in the article: Nerger, L. (2022) Data assimilation for nonlinear systems with a hybrid nonlinear-Kalman ensemble transform filter. Q. J. Meteorol. Soc., 148, 620-640 [ doi:10.1002/qj.4221].
    4648For the analysis step of the LKNETF algorithm, several operations related to the observations are needed. These operations are requested by PDAF by calling user-supplied routines. Intentionally, the operations are split into separate routines in order to keep the operations rather elementary as this procedure should simplify the implementation. The names of the required routines are specified in the call to the routine `PDAF_assimilate_lknetf` in the fully-parallel implementation (or `PDAF_put_state_lknetf` for the 'flexible' implementation) described below. With regard to the parallelization, all these routines (except `U_collect_state`) are executed by the filter processes (`filterpe=.true.`) only.