= PDAF_local_weight = This page documents the routine `PDAF_local_weight` of PDAF. The routine is used for localization in the analysis step of a filter and computes a weight according to the specified distance and the settings for the localizing function. The interface is the following: {{{ SUBROUTINE PDAF_local_weight(wtype, rtype, cradius, sradius, distance, & nrows, ncols, A, var_obs, weight, verbose) }}} with the following arguments: * `wtype` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Type of weight function:[[BR]] (0) unit weight (=1 up to radius `cradius`) [[BR]] (1) exponential decrease (1/e at distance=sradius; 0 for distance>cradius)[[BR]] (2) 5th order polynomial with support radius sradius (Gaspari&Cohn 1999; 0 for distance>sradius) * `rtype` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Type of regulated weighting:[[BR]] (0) no regulation[[BR]] (1) regulation using mean variances[[BR]] (2) regulation using variance of single observation point * `cradius` : `real, intent(in)`[[BR]] Cut-off radius (weight is always =0 for distance>cradius) * `sradius` : `real, intent(in)`[[BR]] Support radius * `distance` : `real, intent(in)`[[BR]] Distance to observation * `nrows` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Number of rows in matrix A * `ncols` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Number of columns in matrix A * `A` : `real, intent(in), dimension(nrows,ncols)`[[BR]] Input matrix (only used for regulated localization) * `var_obs` : `real, intent(in)`[[BR]] Observation variance (only used for regulated localization) * `weight` : `real, intent(out)`[[BR]] computed localization weight * `verbose` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Verbosity flag