Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of PDAF_diag_histogram

Dec 11, 2016, 7:11:28 PM (7 years ago)



  • PDAF_diag_histogram

    v1 v1  
     1= PDAF_diag_histogram =
     3This page documents the routine `PDAF_diag_histogram` of PDAF, which was introduced with PDAF V1.12.
     5This routine increments information on an ensemble rank histogram. The histogram gives a binned representation of the ensemble distribution relative to the state vector.
     7Inputs are the ensemble array and a state vector about which the histogram is computed. In addition, the index of the element has to be specified for which the histogram is computed. If this is 0, the histogram information is collected over all elements. Also, the value 'ncall' has to be set. It gives the number of calls used to increment the histogram and is needed to compute the delta-measure that describes the deviation from the ideal histogram.
     9The input/output array 'hist' has to be allocated externally. In addition, it has to be initialized with zeros before the first call.
     11The routine can be called in the pre/poststep routine of PDAF both before and after the analysis step to collect the histogram information.
     13The interface is the following:
     15  SUBROUTINE PDAF_diag_histogram(ncall, dim, dim_ens, element, &
     16     state, ens, hist, delta, status)
     18with the following arguments:
     19 * `ncall` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Number of calls to routine (>=1)
     20 * `dim` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Size of state vector
     21 * `dim_ens` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Ensemble size
     22 * `element` : `integer, intent(in)`[[BR]] Element of state vector for which the histogram is computed. If element=0, the histogram is computed over the whole state vector
     23 * `state` : `real, intent(in), dimension(dim)`[[BR]] State vector
     24 * `ens` : `real, intent(in), dimension(dim, dim_ens)`[[BR]] State ensemble